Advanced Digital Cartography

The class hub for Geog 411 at the world-famous George Mason University.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

One more thing...

In addition to the presentation on Thursday, I also want a copy of everyone's final project. I want 3 files this time around: the big flash file (.fla), the movie (.swf), and the .html. If you have major supporting files not contained in those 3, I'd like them too. I will accept them via email (if the .fla isn't excessively big), on a CD, or you can give me your memory stick during class and I will save it directly to my laptop.

Oh...and I can't resist. One more "map" (you do know I'm a hockey fan, right?)

Best of luck! Hang in there!

End is near!!

Final Projects are "due" this Thursday, May 7th at 10:30 am. What exactly is due? A functioning copy of your project, exported from Flash and posted to your class blog. Links are not specifically required on the blog this time, but they do help those interested in more details or sources of data. A paragraph about what you did would be peachy.

At 10:30 we'll start Final Project Presentations. Similar to 310, I'll take volunteers to come up to the IN 320 lectern and demo their project. Tell us what you set out to make (and why) as well as what you actually produced (often a strange tangent from the start). What steps did you take? What obstacles did you face? What worked swimmingly? What drowned instantly? Give us all the details. We'll ask a few questions, marvel at your handiwork, and then you're done. Easy as pie!

Please make sure you arrive on time to Innovation on Thursday -- we'll wait for all to be there to start.

Need help with your project? Please contact me. Emailing me your .fla file is an easy approach. I'm also around campus the next 2 days -- just email me and I'll swing by the lab.

Good luck!!