Motion Tween
This week we are jumping into one of the best features of Flash: tweening. By defining starting and stopping points of a symbol, Flash will interpolate all the intermediate steps to create a nice, smooth animation. It can be a simple, straight movement, or a complex curve with color changes and rotations and lots of bells and whistles.
This new CS4 version of Flash has a new tool for creating tween in fewer steps and with potentially more control. If you have played around with motion tweens in the past version (now known as "classic tweens"), you can still do that. I will show you both approaches.
There are several nice video tutorials online that introduce you to the Motion Editor and tweening. I'd like you to view them before jumping into Lab 5.
Good startervideo.
Motion Editor and presets (though we're not using the presets at this point)
A different video on Motion Editor.
A bit about easing which is fine tuning the motion movements
How about some motion tween examples?
Historical Trade Routes
Hurricane Emily
And a teaser of the final Lab5/Lab6 combo
And lastly, a very nice professional version of the operation.